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MakabuhayTinospora rumphii BoerlThe makabuhay plant is a clinging vine, and exam help name itself indicates exam help fundamental aim exam help such plant. Makabuhay is a Filipino translation examination help exam help English term pro life or to offer life. It is frequently known as exam help paliahan in exam help Visayas region. The plant belongs help for exam exam help family examination help Menispermaceae, and may grow, or rather climb, up to 15 meters long. The makabuhay leaves are thin sheets that are heart shaped, and its plant life look different as they only have three petals. The makabuhay plant is known for its bitter nature, and exam help fruits examination help this plant are held in clusters, which might be as long as two centimeters. The nucleus main characteristic is to comprise commands for growth, work and maintenance examination help exam help cell, it controls nearly all exam help activities examination help exam help cell. A smaller, darker sphere is usually visible, exam help nucleolus, this is a source exam help ribonucleic acid RNA one examination help exam help nucleic acids . When a cell is not dividing referred to as resting here’s called exam help chromatin community and exam help nuclear drapery seems like a thick, triangle mass. When a cell is in exam help technique examination help dividing, exam help chromatin community separates into different black threads known as chromosomes and there are 23 pairs examination help chromosomes in a human cell. The nuclear membrane is made up exam help 2layers, each composed examination help a lipid bilayer. It has holes all over the place which are called nuclear pores, to facilitate and regulate exam help trade exam help constituents, for instance, proteins and RNA, among exam help nucleus and cytoplasm.